This week’s episode of “The Flash” saw the team travel to Earth-2 and the episode more than lived up to the hype. There were doppelgangers galore and plenty of twists and surprises along the way. The episode was arguably one of the best the series has ever produced and we wanted to point out 8 moments that we can’t stop talking about.
Let’s get started.
#8 – Barry Allen Finally Getting The Relationship He’s Always Wanted With Iris

Barry Allen and Iris West of Earth-1 have always been close but there’s always something preventing them from getting closer. Barry has wanted a romantic relationship with Iris for most of his life and when he assumed the life of Barry Allen on Earth-2, he got it.
It was fun watching Barry adjust to getting something he’s always wanted and it was a welcome change to see the two together. Barry seemed happy to finally get the girl of his dreams, even if it did come with unexpected luggage of a strained relationship with Joe.
#7 – Barry Has A Normal Conversation With His Mom

It’s been a long time since Barry Allen has had a normal conversation with his mother. She was killed by Eobard Thawne when he was very young and he’s been grieving the loss ever since. But Earth-2’s Barry Allen doesn’t have that problem.
In this week’s episode Earth-1 Barry Allen ended up on the phone with Earth-2 Barry Allen’s mother and it was a little heartbreaking. The only time Barry has talked to his mother as an adult was when he went back in time to save her. During that conversation his mother was dying so it’s safe to say that it was a little less than ideal.
But Barry Allen of Earth-1 talking to his mother on Earth-2 was a nice touch. It was also another reminder that Barry’s Earth-2 doppelganger has the life he always wished he could.
#6 – Deadshot Returns

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Floyd Lawton in the Arrowverse and it was a pleasant surprise to see him pop up on Earth-2. On Earth-2 Lawton is a police officer who works for the Central City Police Department where Barry Allen of Earth-2 also works.
Barry Allen of Earth-1 crossed paths with Lawton he immediately looked at him and asked “Deadshot?” However Earth-2’s Floyd Lawton apparently isn’t that great of a shot and the reference to the name had him on the defensive. Deadshot has been missed on Earth-1 and this was a nice nod to the fans of both shows. It was fun to see a familiar face, with a familiar name in a different role.
#5 – Jay Garrick Gets His Speed Back

It was very exciting when Jay Garrick came to Earth-1 to work with Team Flash. But since joining up with the team he hasn’t done much of anything. Garrick has come down with a sickness caused by the Velocity-6 formula that cost him his speed and could eventually cost him his life.
With Barry Allen defending Earth-2, Joe West reminded Garrick that Earth-1 needed a Flash when Central City was being attacked by Geo-Mancer. That’s when Caitlin developed a Velocity-7 formula that temporarily gave Jay his speed back.
Although it was only for a brief moment, it was exciting to see Jay actually use his powers. It’s also encouraging to think that a cure for his lack of speed could be coming soon as the character is in desperate need of something interesting to do.
#4 – Cisco Meets His Earth-2 Doppelganger

Cisco is a pretty cool guy on Earth-1. At least to us anyway. He’s a vital member of Team Flash as his ideas and inventions often play a big role in taking down metahumans. Besides, if Cisco wasn’t around, who would name all the metahumans anyway?
A big part of Cisco’s story lately has been his transformation into Vibe. This week he met his Earth-2 counterpart named Reverb and Reverb had already developed his powers to a level that Cisco never dream would be possible.
Reverb offered to teach Cisco how to use his powers, but unfortunately he didn’t make it to the end of the episode as he was killed at the hands of Zoom. Still, it makes you wonder just how powerful Cisco of Earth-1 will become.
#3 – Zoom Returns In A Terrifying Way

Zoom seems to be catching flack from some circles of fans for not holding up to the greatness of the Reverse-Flash in season 1. But one thing’s for sure, when Zoom does make an appearance, he’s terrifying.
Zoom took out Reverb and Deathstorm in one fell swoop but spared Killer Frost. He then then took Barry prisoner. Scenes like this make it seem like there’s no hope for Barry and the fact that he’s going to have to be rescued next week make Zoom seem like a serious threat.
With the exception of the Reverse-Flash, villains usually have a tough time trying to match the power of The Flash but that doesn’t seem to be a problem whatsoever for Zoom. That’s a little scary.
Plus Zoom murdering Cisco of Earth-2 the exact same way the Reverse-Flash murdered Cisco of Earth-1 in “Out of Time” was a great reference.
#2 – Supergirl Makes An Appearance

If you blinked you might have missed it but Supergirl made a brief appearance in “Welcome to Earth-2.” While Barry, Cisco and Harry were crossing over to Earth-2 Supergirl appeared within a Speed Force vision as she flew by.
Barry Allen is set to appear in the March 28 episode of “Supergirl” titled “Worlds Finest” and this is another sign that the multiverse is going to be how it all comes together. You can always look forward to Barry Allen seeing something interesting in his speed force visions but this was definitely the coolest one yet.
#1 – Anything Killer Frost Did

The first appearance of Killer Frost was without a doubt one of the most anticipated moments in the history of “The Flash” and the show did not disappoint. Danielle Panabaker absolutely nailed it with her portrayal of an evil Caitlin Snow from Earth-2.
Killer Frost was powerful, funny and entertaining at all times. She lived up to the hype and we can’t wait to see more of her in next week’s episode and hopefully beyond.