Someone’s Getting A New Suit In The Next Four Way Arrowverse Crossover


Last year’s four way “Arrowverse” crossover was epic to say the least, and there’s a lot of hype behind the next one. Work has already begun on the next crossover, and it looks like someone will be getting a new suit.

Concept artist Andy Poon recently took to Instagram to share a photo of a new suit he’s been working on, but he kept the details under wraps when he posted the following:

“Arrow and Legends producer @marcguggenheim shared this photo teasing that they already started working on the Arrowverse crossover for this year! Can’t say what it is of course but cool things are coming so so tune and be patient! I have also officially finished my first few concept on suoergirl, so I guess I have officially crossed over all 4 shows as well!”

You can check out the photo below.

Who the suit belongs to is anyone’s guess at this point, but it’s worth noting that the Elongated Man will be joining the cast of “The Flash” in season 4, and the most popular theory at the moment seems to be that this suit will end up going to him.

However, there are also quite a few characters in the “Arrowverse” who could use an upgrade in the suit department, so maybe it will go to someone we already know.

One way or another, the hype for the next crossover is only getting more and more real with each passing day.