Barry Allen Reveals His Plan To Travel Back In Time In This Clip From The Flash ‘Flash Back’


Barry Allen is going to be doing some time traveling during tonight’s episode of “The Flash” titled “Flash Back.” The CW has released a new clip from the episode where Barry talks about his time traveling plans with Caitlyn and Cisco who seem less than thrilled with his idea.

Now that the team knows Jay is Zoom, Barry has become obsessed with getting faster. He believes that the only way to do that is to travel back in time to the events of season 1 so he can get advice from Eobard Thawne via the body of Harrison Wells.

In the new clip Harrison Wells from Earth-2 warns Barry not to mess with the timeline. He tells him that no matter what he does, when he returns from the past things will be different in the present and only he will know what the differences are. But of course we all know that Harry isn’t going to be able to talk Barry out of this one. You can check it out in the clip above.

The CW has also released a behind the scenes video which goes inside “Flash-Back” which you can check out below.