Fans of the “Arrowverse” anxiously awaited the premiere of “Crisis On Earth-X” for months. This week the epic crossover event finally aired on the CW, and the general consensus seems to be that everyone involved knocked it out of the park.
This year’s crossover was unlike any other that came before it, as all four episodes acted as one long four hour movie, as opposed to previous years where each show sort of played within its own sandbox.
The crossover was full of twists, turns, big reveals, humor and tragic moments, and it changed the status quo for the “Arrowverse” in a big way. Let’s take a look at 5 of the most important changes that were made.
Warning: spoilers ahead.
#5 – Snart ReturnsĀ

Leonard Snart has always been a fan favorite for fans of the “Arrowverse” and everyone was sad to see him go when he was killed off in DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow” season 1. Since then Leonard Snart has made a few appearances here and there, but it looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the weeks to come.
In “Crisis On Earth-X” we were introduced to Leo Snart, who is known as a hero named Citizen Cold on Earth-X. We also learned that the Earth-X version of Mick Rory died saving police from a burning building.
At the end of the crossover Leo Snart decided to stay on Earth-1 instead of returning to Earth-X, presumably so he can try to break through to Mick.
Wentworth Miller has confirmed that he’s leaving the “Arrowverse” for good soon, but it looks like Snart is going to have one last run on the Waverider before he says goodbye forever.
#4 – The Introduction Of Earth-X

The multiverse was introduced during “The Flash” season 2 and since then we’ve seen a few different Earths in the “Arrowverse.” But this year’s crossover introduced an Earth unlike any other in the form of Earth-X.
Earth-X is similar to Earth-1, only with one major difference, the Nazis won World War II.
Earth-X is definitely a dark place, and most of the characters seemed very surprised when they learned of its existence.
As noted above Leo Snart decided to leave Earth-X for Earth-1, but he promised his lover, The Ray, that he would be returning to Earth-X at some point.
Even though the heroes defeated the Fuhrer in the final battle, it’s likely that the war is far from over on Earth-X, so it will be interesting to see how often this new world is referenced in the future.
#3 – The Reverse-Flash Returns

Before “Crisis On Earth-X” kicked off, everyone was wondering why a new version of Harrison Wells wearing the Reverse-Flash suit was introduced in the promotional photos, and we got our answer this week.
The Dark Flash revealed that he was actually Eobard Thawne from Earth-1, and he decided to inhabit the body of Harrison Wells on Earth-X just to mess with Barry. How he managed to return wasn’t really explained as Thawne simply told Barry that time travel can be confusing.
Thawne has already been erased from the timeline twice, but anyone who’s been following the “Arrowverse” closely over the past few years knows that he’s an amazing villain, so it’s nice to have him back in the mix.
In the end Barry defeated Reverse-Flash, but he also let him get away, so until they meet again we’ll all be anxiously awaiting their next encounter.
#2 – Two Weddings

“Crisis On Earth-X” was built around the West-Allen wedding, but of course the wedding didn’t go as planned because it was invaded by Nazis from Earth-X.
But at the end of the crossover Barry and Iris did get married after Barry ran to Star City and picked up John Diggle who performed a small ceremony in front of Felicity and Oliver.
Earlier in the crossover Oliver asked Felicity to marry her, but she said no. After they both almost died several times, Felicity had a change of heart, and she interrupted the West-Allen wedding and asked Oliver to marry her.
He said yes, and now Barry and Iris are officially married and Oliver and Felicity are married as well, so hopefully their unions will cut down on the couple drama that has sometimes dragged the shows down over the past few seasons.
#1 – Martin Stein Says Goodbye

A few months ago it was reported that Victor Garber would be leaving DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow” for Broadway, and all throughout season 3 the separation of Firestorm had been teased.
It seemed that Martin Stein was being set up for a happy ending that would allow him to spend the rest of his days with his family after leaving the Waverider, but instead he met a very tragic demise.
Stein was shot on Earth-X, and his injuries were threatening the life of Jax due to their connection. After realizing he wouldn’t survive, he later told Jax to let him drink the cure that Harry Wells and Cisco created that would sever their connection, and after much hesitation, Jax gave it to him.
Martin Stein has been with the “Arrowverse” since “The Flash” season 1, and he will most definitely be missed.
His exit has also left us wondering what’s next for Jax.
What was your favorite moment from the crossover? Sound off in the comments below.