Impressive Fan Art Shows What Pierce Brosnan Could Look Like As Cable


“Deadpool 2” is expected to begin production sometime in the next few months, and it’s already been confirmed that Cable will be a part of the film. However, although Cable has been confirmed no announcement has been made in regards to who will be playing the character. Which is exactly why this photo of Hugh Jackman, Pierce Brosnan an Ryan Reynolds got so many people talking when it surfaced online.

Wolvie. Bond. Wade.

A photo posted by Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds) on

As soon as he photo hit the internet people started talking about the possibility of Pierce Brosnan playing Cable, and considering how tight lipped Reynolds and company have been about the casting, anything is possible at this point.

Artist BossLogic took things one step further as he put together a piece of art for showing what Pierce Brosnan could look like as Cable.

What do you think, is Pierce Brosnan the right man for the job?