Teddy Sears Says It Will Be Very Satisfying When The Flash Reveals The Man In The Iron Mask


“The Flash” season 2 has been full of some fun mysteries. Of course the biggest mystery that was running for most of the season focused on the identity of Zoom. It was recently revealed that Zoom is the man that Team Flash knows as Jay Garrick. But the man they know as Jay Garrick isn’t really Jay Garrick, he’s actually Hunter Zolomon.

At one point Zoom had kidnapped Barry Allen and he kept him prisoner in his lair on Earth-2. Barry was one of three prisoners in Zoom’s lair, one of which was Jesse Quick and the other was a mysterious man in an iron mask.

Fans have been trying to guess the identity of the Man in the Iron Mask and most people seem to think it’s the real Jay Garrick. During their time together whenever Barry Allen mentioned Jay Garrick, the Man in the Iron Mask had a powerful reaction. Teddy Sears recently spoke to EW and he told them that he now knows who the Man in the Iron Mask is, and he feels that the reveal will be very satisfying.

“If you’d asked me this question last week — my answer still has to be the same because it’s just such a big reveal; we reveal it in the finale — I had no clue last week.” Sears said. “I didn’t know who the guy was. I didn’t even have a clue. Well, of course, now I know because we’re shooting the finale and we’ll get to that stuff next week. All has been revealed to me. I don’t even know what to say because it’s such a fun thing to me being nice and vague and untouched. I can promise that it will be revealed and it will be quite satisfying. ”

Teddy Sears has had to balance dual identities in season 2 much like Tom Cavanaugh had to do in season 1. He also told EW that he knew he was told he would be the big bad early on, but he started to get worried that the writers had changed course.

“I was told when I got the job that this is what they were thinking, so I had this secret I had to keep. It was early enough, too, that they told me this in June when we were about to go into production, and then there was not a whiff of it for many months. I really thought maybe they changed their minds, maybe they were going to go get someone else to play Zoom. I was hoping against hope because I was really enjoying being Jay Garrick. I had grown quite attached to him. But then in the episode where Caitlin and I are in the park and I point out my doppelgänger Hunter Zolomon, as soon as I read that, I thought we’re going to follow-through on this plan. That was my first indication that they were making good on what they said we were going to do before we started production. So, I knew. I hoped it wasn’t going to happen, but here we are.”

“The Flash” will return with “Versus Zoom” on April 19.