On this week’s episode of “The Flash” most of the team traveled to Gorilla City and things didn’t go so well. Barry defeated Solovar and now Grodd is the king of the gorillas, which is really bad for Team Flash because Grodd is bringing the fight to Central City.
Next week Grodd will try to destroy the city that Team Flash calls home and the team will be enlisting the help of Gypsy, the Accelerated Man and the Central City PD as they try to take down the gorilla army.
THE EPIC CONCLUSION TO THE TWO-PART BATTLE WITH GRODD – When Grodd (voiced by David Sobolov) and his army of gorillas bring the battle to Earth-1, The Flash (Grant Gustin) and team must find a way to stop them before they destroy Central City. Gypsy (guest star Jessica Camacho) returns to join the fight. Meanwhile, Jesse Quick (guest star Violett Beane) decides she wants to stay with Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) on Earth-1.
The CW has released some new photos from the upcoming episode and you can check them out below.