Oliver Queen has been the mayor of Star City for quite some time now but it’s clear that he’s having a tough time juggling his double life. Now his life as the Green Arrow and his life as the mayor have collided and his work as the Green Arrow could cause him to be impeached.
Next week in “Fighting Fire With Fire” Oliver will try to avoid impeachment and he will also try to avoid being killed by Vigilante.
VIGILANTE ATTACKS MAYOR QUEEN — Oliver (Stephen Amell) faces his biggest challenge yet as mayor. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) continues down her dark path with Helix. After Vigilante attacks Oliver while he’s acting as the mayor, Diggle (David Ramsey) leads the team in a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all. Michael Schultz directed the episode written by Speed Weed & Ben Sokolowski.
The CW has released some new photos from next week’s episode and you can check them out below.