This week’s episode of “Arrow” was titled “Checkmate” and it moved the Prometheus story arc ahead in a big way. Team Arrow now knows that Prometheus is Adrian Chase and now that his identity is out in the open, he’s taken his games to the next level.
Related: Arrow: Oliver Queen Searches For Answers In New Photos From “Checkmate”
Adrian Chase spent a good amount of time trolling the members of Team Arrow this week, and it was also revealed that Talia al Ghul aligned herself with Chase in order to get revenge on Oliver Queen for killing her father.
It doesn’t look like things are going to get any easier for Oliver Queen from here on out, and it also looks like the fans are really enjoying Adrian Chase’s antics so far.
You can check out some of the best reactions to “Checkmate” below.
Oiliver: "I never should have gotten involved with Susan I dont know what i was thinking"
Us:#Arrow #dembows— slander_ent (@slanderent) March 16, 2017
“@alwaysbett: @PaulBlackthorne Adrian Chase is being the most badass villain ever” Agreed. And #JoshSegarra's a darn fine gent too.
— Paul Blackthorne (@PaulBlackthorne) March 16, 2017
Me to Adrian Chase/Prometheus:— steph (@andyouloveher88) March 16, 2017
Did anyone else notice Felicity totally planting something in the Helix headquarters? #Arrow #FelicityGotAPlan
— Christian H. (@FlarrowMan) March 17, 2017
Oliver left his own mother's trial when Felicity was kidnapped. He's going about his daily activities with Susan kidnapped. LOL. #Olicity
— Linda♥TV (@LindaBrownEyes) March 16, 2017
“Arrow” will return next week with “Kapiushon.”
Prometheus (Josh Segarra) goes to great lengths to break Oliver (Stephen Amell). Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) becomes worried about Oliver’s increasingly violent tendencies, which come to a head in a brutal confrontation. Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich.