Emma Stone Is Perfect As Spider-Gwen In This Fake Movie Trailer


Spider-Gwen has become somewhat of a phenomenon in the comic book community. Gwen Stacy was always a popular character, but her popularity is through the roof now that she’s been introduced to the world as Spider-Gwen.

There have been a lot of rumors that Sony has been considering a female fronted film in the Spider-Man universe and the Spider-Gwen name has been attached to some of those rumors. Fans across the Internet have speculated about what a possible Spider-Gwen movie starring Emma Stone would look like and now we have an answer.

The people over at Vulture put together a “fake” trailer for a movie that is never going to happen but it looks awesome. The film uses scenes from “The Amazing Spider-Man” with Gwen taking Peter’s place. Obviously we will never see a full Spider-Gwen film starring Emma Stone, but it’s a nice glimpse at what it could look like.

Check it out above.