Watch The Intense Ending From The Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale

game of thrones

Just a heads up, if you’re not caught up on “Game of Thrones” you might want to turn away because this post contains spoilers. “Game of Thrones” season 7 finally came to an end on Sunday night, and all of the pieces are in place for what’s sure to be an epic final season.

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For 7 seasons now the characters of “Game of Thrones” have been fighting over the Iron Throne, but things changed this week as Daenerys Targaryen offered a truce to Cersei in an attempt to unite the people of Westeros in their battle against the Night King. Cersei claimed the be on board, but she later rescinded her offer, which is a shame because the Lannister army will be needed in the fight against the Army of the Dead.

For 7 seasons now the Night King and his army have been slowly making their way to the wall, and Sunday night the Night King used a resurrected Viserion to take down the wall, and the Army of the Dead is now heading south.

The show has put a lot of emphasis on just how important the wall is, so it was truly an incredible sight to see it destroyed by a dragon on Sunday night. If you missed the final scene, or just want to watch it again, then you’ll be happy to know that HBO has released the clip and you can check it out below.