Spider-Man’s Tom Holland Ironically Hasn’t Seen “The Empire Strikes Back”


Tom Holland made his debut as Spider-Man last year in “Captain America: Civil War” and audiences quickly fell in love with the character. Spider-Man was an integral part of the airport battle scene, and he delivered a memorable line when he asked Team Iron Man if they had seen that “really old movie” known as “The Empire Strikes Back.”

Tom Holland’s line got a lot of people laughing, and it was a pretty great reference, but ironically enough Holland hasn’t actually seen the film, or any of the films from the original Star Wars trilogy.

“For some reason I skipped the original Star Wars, I don’t know why and I’m very embarrassed,” Tom Holland told Yahoo! during an interview.

Although Holland hasn’t seen the original trilogy he did praise “Rogue One” and “The Force Awakens” by saying they were “dope” and “great fun.”

Most Star Wars fans agree to that the original trilogy is superior to the prequel trilogy, and although Tom Holland can’t judge because he hasn’t seen the original three films, he did admit that he loved the prequels.

“And I’m even more embarrassed to say that I love those movies when I was a kid. Everyone’s like, ‘What? You liked those movies?!‘ But I thought they were great.”

When it comes to Star Wars it looks like Tom Holland has some catching up to do.

“Spider-Man: Homecoming” hits theaters on July 7, 2017.