Kevin Feige Says Civil War Is Very Much Captain America’s Story


The MCU has added quite a few characters in the last few years. Some fans felt that “Avengers: Age of Ultron” was trying to juggle too much and they’ve expressed the same concerns about “Captain America: Civil War.” Kevin Feige recently spoke to IGN and made it clear that although there are many characters in the film, the movie will still be very focused on Captain America.

He said the film is “very much Cap’s story” then followed up with saying it’s “very much a sequel to the Winter Soldier.”

Well that’s good to hear. He also has a lot of faith in the Russo Brothers and their ability to tell a story.

“There were a lot of characters in The Winter Soldier, but it felt like a very singular and relatively simple thriller. Civil War follows in that same way,” Feige said. “I think that’s something [directors Joe and Anthony Russo] pride themselves on, and our screenwriters Chris Markus and Steve McFeely are excellent at giving each character just enough. They’re not full arcs for everybody; it’s just enough that their presence is felt and important, but that the very clear single story that is being told is being served at all times.”

Feige once again did what he always does by putting fans at ease. Worry not folks, “Captain America: Civil War” hits the big screen on May 27th, 2016 and in Kevin Feige we trust.