This Trailer Recreated ‘Batman & Robin’ In The Style Of ‘The Dark Knight’ And It’s Awesome


“Batman & Robin” is considered by many to be the worst Batman film ever created. It’s a film that’s so bad that it’s actually really entertaining to watch, but for all the wrong reasons. On one hand it took Batman to place that he never should have gone. But on the other hand, it forced Batman to get rebooted on the big screen and we ended up with “The Dark Knight” trilogy.

Now a YouTuber going by the name of The Unusual Suspect has given “Batman & Robin” a shot at redemption by recreating the trailer in the same style as the trilogy it indirectly helped create. “Batman & Robin” takes on the style of “The Dark Knight, and it ends up being a perfect fit despite the neon surroundings.

George Clooney looks like the Batman we wanted him to be, Mr. Freeze looks like a charismatic villain and Michael Gough’s Alfred quotes manage to hit just as hard as Michael Caine’s. It’s a truly impressive transformation for a movie that’s been vilified for the better part of 20 years now.

You can check out the masterpiece above.