New Details Revealed About Arrow Season 5’s Big Villain, Laurel’s Last Words To Oliver

arrow season 4

“Arrow” season 5 is currently filming and fans are counting down the days until the season premiere. One of the things everyone’s dying to know is who the next big bad will be on “Arrow.”

Oliver has faced off against Malcolm Merlyn, Deathstroke, Ra’s Al Ghul and Damien Darhk over the past four seasons, but according to producer Wendy Mericle the big bad in “Arrow” season 5 has been years in the making. She spoke to TV Guide and revealed some new details.

“We can’t tell you his name, but we can tell you his game: revenge. Season 5’s villain “is somebody Oliver unwittingly created in Season 1 when he was a killer in a hood,” Mericle teases. “This guy is going to be collateral damage who lost someone to the Hood and has spent the last several years training and plotting for revenge he will be a true dark mirror to Oliver Queen.”

Laurel Lance was a part of “Arrow” from the very beginning but last season fans were forced to say goodbye to her when she was killed at the hands of Damien Darhk. After Darhk stabbed Laurel with an arrow, Oliver took her to the hospital and for a moment it looked like she was going to recover.

Eventually Laurel passed away, but before she died she whispered something to Oliver and what she whispered to him is unknown at this point. Producer Wendy Mericle spoke to TV Guide recently and she revealed exactly when fans will find out what Laurel said to Oliver Queen.

“We’re as curious as you are, but the good news is, the wait is almost over. According to Mericle, the late Black Canary’s last words will be revealed in the season premiere.”

“Arrow” season 5 will be premiere on the CW on October 5th.