The Flash Season 3 Premiere Will Feature A Big Reveal About Iris West


If you’ve been following along you likely already know that things are going to be different when “The Flash” returns for season 3. Barry changed everything when he saved his mother in the season 2 finale, and now he’s living in the “Flashpoint” universe.

The season premiere is arguably the most anticipated episode of “The Flash” so far, because everyone’s dying to see just how much things have changed.

One character who will apparently be going through a big change is Iris West. In this week’s Spoiler Room column, EW revealed “that there’s quite a big reveal when it comes to Iris in the premiere — though that doesn’t mean she’s wildly different in the Flashpoint timeline.”

“She’s a fixed point for Barry Allen, so no matter where we see her, no matter where we find her, she’s still very similar to the Iris that we’ve always known and loved, which is why Barry sees her as the shining star in the sky,” Candice Patton explained. “He can always find her somewhat the same.”

Related: The Flash And Kid Flash Team Up In The Latest Trailer For Season 3

We’ve seen Iris West on Earth-1, and Iris West on Earth-2, now we’re going to meet the “Flashpoint” version of Iris West.

So, what could the big change be? We’ll have to wait until Tuesday, October 4 to find out.