The Flash Producer Teases “Anything Can Happen” With Iris West’s Future


“The Flash” is currently on a break until January, and the winter finale left fans with a lot to talk about. Barry Allen saw a shocking vision of the future in which Iris was killed by Savitar, and now he’s hellbent on making sure it doesn’t come true.

The finale set the show up for a very dramatic second half of season 3, and it’s left us all to wonder how Iris and Barry’s future is going to play out.

“Obviously Barry loves Iris more than anything,” co-showrunner Aaron Helbing told TV Line, “and now that he has gotten a glimpse of the future, the thrust of the back half of the season is Barry trying to do whatever it takes to save her”

After Jay Garrick explained to Barry that he had seen the future in the winter finale, he also explained to him that the future is never set, and what he saw might not happen. Helbing also noted that fans shouldn’t simply assume that Iris is going to die based on what Barry saw.

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“The future is malleable,” Helbing added. “Anything can happen.”

“The Flash” will return with new episodes on Tuesday, January 24.