The Flash Finally Reveals The Man In The Iron Mask, Barry Makes A Shocking Choice In The Finale


The season 2 finale of “The Flash” was full of surprises and the Man in the Iron Mask was finally revealed. The Flash and Zoom faced off in one final race and The Flash was able to defeat Zoom with the help of his own time remnant. Barry had Zoom on the ground and he was contemplating killing him but he decided against it then two time wraiths arrived to carry Zoom away.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs Cisco and Harry removed the iron mask from the man’s face to reveal that the man underneath was Henry Allen’s doppelganger. The doppelganger said that he’s the real Jay Garrick  and that he’s from Earth-3. Earlier in the season before he was killed off Earth-1 Henry Allen revealed that his mother’s maiden name was Garrick.

Jay Garrick put on his Flash suit and he told the team that Zoom’s Jay Garrick hat wasn’t part of his original suit. Harry Wells then told Jay Garrick that on his Earth the hat was a symbol of hope, so Earth-3 Jay Garrick put it on and decided that he would incorporate it into his outfit.

He told everyone that he has to get back to Earth-3 and Harry Wells told him he could help him get to Earth-2 for now and Jay Garrick accepted his offer. Harry Wells, Jessie Quick and Jay Garrick then went through a portal to Earth-2.

At the end of the episode Barry told Iris that he loved her but he had to take some time for himself. After Iris went inside Barry looked at her through the window and told her he’s sorry. He then traveled back in time to the night that his mother was killed and he prevented Reverse-Flash from killing his mom. He beat down Eobard Thawne then looked at his time remnant from the last time he traveled back to the same moment. His time remnant disappeared and he told his mother she was safe then the season ended.