The First Trailer For Justice League Shows Batman Recruiting The Flash And Aquaman

justice league

Warner Bros. isn’t messing around today. They already released the first trailer for “Wonder Woman” which is set to hit theaters next year, but then they raised the stakes by releasing the first trailer for “Justice League.”

“Justice League” will follow Batman as he assembles the team to fight against a greater threat and the first trailer features Batman’s first encounters with The Flash and Aquaman.

The trailer gives fans their best glimpse at Aquaman so far as the trailer shows several clips of Bruce Wayne’s hilariously failed attempt to recruit him and Aquaman looks intense to say the least.

The trailer also shows the first meeting between Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne which features a few witty one liners from Ezra Miller.  After the introductions we get our first official look at Barry Allen’s suit and more.

You can check out the first official trailer for “Justice League” below.