Danielle Panabaker Says No One’s More Excited For Killer Frost Than She Is


Ever since we caught a glimpse of Killer Frost in the season finale of “The Flash” everyone’s been wondering when we will see Caitlin make the transformation. Danielle Panabaker recently spoke to Collider about the second season of “The Flash” and she talked a little bit about her excitement for what’s to come. You can check out a quote below.

“No one is more excited for Caitlin to become Killer Frost than I am. Unfortunately I don’t know when that will happen on the show. The writers will say, ‘Well this is what’s going to happen. We’re looking forward to this. This is what we’re thinking.’ And then scripts evolve, sometimes they don’t make it into the script as soon as you hope, sometimes we shoot things that don’t even make it into the show. I think our season finale was an extra 20 minutes long, so that’s 20 minutes of stuff that they cut out of storylines. Little things, like they explained how Caitlin asked Barry to go get her wedding dress, and they explained the toilets in the pipeline, and that sort of thing. But since we only have 42, 44 minutes, some stuff just sort of falls to the cutting-room floor. Long story short, I’m useless in terms of Killer Frost. I want it to happen very, very badly. Unfortunately I don’t know that it’s happening yet.”