Cisco Ramon Set To Appear On DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow


It’s always nice to see shows like “Arrow” and “The Flash” do crossovers and we’re expecting more of the same when DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow” premieres in January. Carlos Valdes who plays Cisco Ramon on “The Flash” recently confirmed to EW that his character will indeed be making an appearance on “Legends of Tomorrow.”

“I did get to do an interesting take on this character on Legends of Tomorrow,” Valdes told EW.

An interesting take, what could that mean? Given that the show is going to deal with time travel it could mean a lot of things such as the appearance of a younger or older version of Cisco. Whatever it is we’re pretty excited for it. Cisco has been a fun character to watch on “The Flash” and he’ll surely be a fun addition to the “Legends of Tomorrow” cast whether he joins the show for one episode or several.

“Legends of Tomorrow” premieres January 21st.