Chris Hemsworth Has Been Cast In The Female Driven Ghostbusters Reboot


Chris Hemsworth, best known to Marvel fans as Thor, has officially been cast in Paul Feig’s female drive “Ghostbusters” reboot. So who will he be playing? A mighty Ghostbuster? Perhaps a ghost? Nope, not even close.

Director Paul Feig confirmed via Twitter that Hemsworth would be playing, wait for it, a receptionist.

That’s right, the mighty Thor will be doing some mighty paper work and answering phone calls and e-mails for the Ghostbusters. Although, we’re sure that’s not all he’ll be doing.

Variety reported that they previously tried casting Chris Hemsworth in the role but he rejected it because the part was too small. The script was apparently rewritten in order to give him a bigger role.

Show the world you ain’t afraid of no ghost when “Ghostbusters” opens on July 22, 2016.