Arrow Producer Teases A Great Scene Between Oliver And Thea Queen


Most fans seem to agree that “Arrow” is back on track with season 5. The show has brought in some new faces that have helped to push the story forward, but Thea Queen is one familiar face that fans haven’t seen enough of lately.

Willa Holland was only contracted for 16 episode this season, so she’s been absent as of late, but executive producer Wendy Mericle recently spoke to EW and she revealed that Thea’s story arc will come into focus over the next few weeks.

“She’s headed in a direction that’s very similar to where her mother was before she was killed in season 2,” EP Wendy Mericle says. “I’m actually really excited about her storyline, because we’re taking her to a place where she’s been dealing with all of these issues the same way Oliver has, with her bloodlust and with other elements of her past, and this season’s going to find her in a similar place, but for very different reasons. There’s gonna be a great scene coming up between Oliver and Thea that’s one of my favorites on the show.”

Thea has certainly been missed and although she did appear in the most recent episode “Spectre of the Gun” her appearance was brief. With that being said, it should be interesting to see where her story goes from here.

“Arrow” will return next week with “Sin-Eater.”

CHINA WHITE, CUPID AND LIZA WARNER BREAK OUT OF PRISON — China White (guest star Kelly Hu), Cupid (guest star Amy Gumenick) and Liza Warner (guest star Rutina Wesley) break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge. Oliver (Stephen Amell) tries to bring in the newly formed girl gang but the ACU intervenes mid-fight. To his surprise, they are there to arrest the Green Arrow for the murder of Detective Malone. Meanwhile, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) feels responsible for the prison break after Warner tells him she heard about him working with Damien Darhk.