Ryan Reynolds Says He Has No Desire To Play Any Other Superhero After Deadpool


Ryan Reynolds has been in his fair share of superhero films. From “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” to “Blade: Trinity” and even “Green Lantern” Reynolds has more than a few superhero roles on his resume. Ryan Reynolds recently confessed however that Deadpool is the last superhero he ever wants to play.

“We all want to be Batman alone at home in our specifically-sewn Bat pajammies, but no, I have no desire to play any other superheroes after this. Hopefully we’ll get to do ‘Deadpool’ again. Given the fact that it’s rated R, the fans have to show their support for it, and they have to come out and make it worthwhile for the studio to make another one, but that’s it for me. I’ve punched that superhero card a few times now, and that’s enough.” Reynolds told The Huffington Post.

Hopefully “Deadpool” is a huge success and he can just play that character multiple times. We haven’t seen much so far, but let’s be honest we all know Reynolds is a perfect fit and that he’s going to knock it out of the park.

You can check out the full interview below:

“Deadpool” hits theaters February 12 2016.