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Sunday, October 11, 2020
Tags Green arrow

Tag: green arrow

Arrow: Manu Bennett On What Deathstroke’s “Next Phase” Should Mean For...

Most "Arrow" fans agree that Deathstroke is the best villain that the show has presented so far. Slade Wilson was an integral part of...

Arrow: Prometheus Tortures Oliver In Preview For “Kapiushon”

Prometheus has been a thorn in the side of Oliver Queen for the entirety of "Arrow" season 5, and now that it's been revealed...

New Arrow Photos Show First Look At Dinah Drake As Black...

In "Arrow" season 4 Laurel Lance was killed at the hands of Damien Darhk and fans were forced to say goodbye to the Black...

China White And Cupid Returning On An Upcoming Episode Of Arrow

Oliver Queen is going to have his hands full later this month in the upcoming "Arrow" episode "The Sin-Eater" when some of his old...

Team Arrow Heads To Russia In New Trailer For “Bratva”

In this week's episode of "Arrow" the team traveled to Hub City as they attempted to find a new Black Canary. It looks like...

Arrow Will Explain Why Oliver Queen Has Never Mentioned Talia al...

Talia al Ghul will be joining "Arrow" for the second half of season 5, and she will be a key player in the flashbacks....

Arrow Season 5: Title Revealed For Episode 16

"Arrow" season 5 has been a lot of fun so far, and it's given us plenty to talk about with the mystery surrounding Prometheus,...

Arrow Season 5: “Who Are You? Extended Trailer Released

It feels like "Arrow" has been on break forever, but there's only one week to go before the show returns with "Who Are You?"...

Arrow “Second Chances” Synopsis Reveals More Details About Talia al Ghul

Talia al Ghul is coming to "Arrow" and she will be played by Lexa Doig. Talia's role on the show has remained a mystery...

Arrow Producer On If We’ll See A New Black Canary By...

Laurel Lance recently returned during the midseason finale of "Arrow" and the midseason premiere titled "Who Are You?" is going to be a very...