The Flash: The Internet Reacts To The Season 3 Finale

the flash

“The Flash” season 3 finale has come and gone, and the episode can best be described as an emotional rollercoaster. For anyone that’s not caught up, beware there are spoilers ahead.

In the finale it was revealed that H.R. took Iris’ place in the previous episode, so Savitar actually ended up killing H.R. instead of Barry’s wife to be. Team Flash later beat Savitar, and during the battle Jay Garrick returned from the Speed Force.

However, with Jay Garrick free of his Speed Force prison, the Speed Force demanded another sacrifice, and at the end of the episode Barry said goodbye to all of his friends and entered the Speed Force for all eternity.

It was an emotional episode, that’s for sure, and now we’re going to have to wait until October to see what happens next.

In the meantime, the internet is reacting to the season finale and you can see what people are saying below.



















