Arrow Reveals A Big Twist For Diggle


It’s no big secret that Diggle isn’t at 100 percent. He took some shrapnel during the explosion on Lian Yu, and it caused some nerve damage that has had a big impact on how he handles weapons.

Diggle’s nerve damage has made him a liability to the rest of the team, which is a huge problem, because now he’s the Green Arrow.

Diggle has a lot more responsibility now that the members of Team Arrow are looking at him as the leader, and obviously he doesn’t want to be held back by his physical problems, so he turned to an unlikely source for an answer.

At the end of this week’s episode, Diggle made his way down a dark alley and he handed a mysterious man in a suit a wad of cash in exchange for a briefcase. Diggle opened the briefcase to show some sort of drug inside and as he took it out of the case the camera showed his hand shaking.

Diggle injected himself with the drug and he flexed as his arm stopped shaking and the episode came to a close.

Diggle has some confidence issues due to the nerve damage he’s dealing with, so he’s doing what he has to do, but there’s no way this is going to end well.

The drug that Diggle is taking has yet to be identified, but there’s little doubt that we’ll be seeing more of it in the weeks to come.