Fate Of The Reverse-Flash Revealed In Arrowverse Crossover

reverse flash

Warning: major spoilers ahead for the “Crisis On Earth-X” four way crossover.

Before this year’s “Arrowverse” crossover kicked off, the CW released a massive stash of photos which showed someone with the face of Harrison Wells wearing a suit that looked very similar to the one the Reverse Flash would wear. The photos listed him as “Thawne” but it was unclear what iteration of Thawne this villain would be.

During night one of the crossover, the villain revealed himself to Barry, and he told him that he was actually Eobard Thawne from Earth-1, and when Barry asked him how he’s still alive he told Barry that time travel is confusing.

Their legendary rivalry picked up once again during the crossover, and they went toe to toe in the final battle.

Barry took Reverse Flash down, and he had the chance to kill him. Thawne screamed at him and told him to “end it” but Barry decided to let him live.

He looked at Eobard Thawne and said “get out of here.”

Thawne turned around and looked at him one final time to say, “I wonder what face I’ll be wearing next time we meet Flash.”

Barry responded by saying, “can’t wait.”

So even though he’s been erased from existence twice, it looks like Eobard Thawne of Earth-1 is now once again part of the “Arrowverse.”